FAQ- From Video Q&A
So we have two networks, a fallback network that is in 220 locations and then the emergency network. That emergency network that we’re on is FirstNet, which most of your militaries use. Things of that nature. And that’s 4G only. We, our devices block 5G. It blocks 3G too, uh, the way we have it. Um, so it’s just using 4G globally.
So it’s connecting to just emergency satellites. So you’re getting signal out in the middle of nowhere with emergency signal, but you’re not getting the best speeds. But the good news is we’re not sucking in 5G to some, someone’s child with that 60 gigahertz band radiating poison that happens that we’ve actually done tests on.
We’ve taken a 50X magnifier to see the effects of it as well through a grand chief in Las Vegas. Um, it’s just 4G is safe compared to anything coming. And it’s emergency band allows us to be connected in the middle of nowhere Africa Uh on top of that further, let’s just confuse the whole world beside that point Each one of these pods are going out to build its own network So the more satellites that go out the faster and stronger that becomes we can provide our own but for right now We just have a meshing together.
That’s that we don’t we don’t have a gazillion satellites. We had to rely on An emergency ban globally for international communication. In other words, if we can’t get enough speed to someone to get online because we don’t have enough pods distributed, we need a fallback and then another one.
it’s stored specifically on, the aboriginal lands, of Okanagan Indian Confederacy as far as people’s data. So that device is weird because it stores data on an unceded territory. It’s not stored in a place where people can access it. Two, it’s super encrypted. And three, when it sends out signal, again, it’s converting.
What could be potentially harmful like 5g and all of these things at these devices not just this device but others more so But because this device is just locked into 4g and emergency only right like the whole globe. it allows us to Turn internet, uh into something that’s safe to use healthy to use healthier To use I would say I can’t say healthy, you know, but healthier to use because it’s just using sound So with that last component’s really one of its bigger things too is it’s not only is it private internet Which is unlike any device i’m aware of most countries sell data Most companies sell data and even when they say they don’t they still have to submit data We don’t.
We’re a First Nations territory and along with you, Chief Star Turtle, we put together, with, Grand Chief Wabiska and others like Chief Spirit Warrior and others that helped us put in the den mothers, everybody that helped us put together our tribe with the Metis as well, right? So this allows us to protect our tribes and have clean internet and it’s encrypted private.
That, that was the goal of the device. Get 10 people connected. You know, that kind of thing.
That’s a good one. Um, man. Uh, so the radionics technology that we have is proprietary and it’s hard to describe, but it’s using sound to connect each and every single pod and because it’s using sound, which is a completely unique type of signal, that’s the one that makes it completely rare or different.
It’s hard to explain how pink noise and white noise and brown noise can be connected to and bands and And you can have all your devices connected. Let’s say with brown and this is why But it it really is a unique technology that makes all these pods literal satellites Send and receive satellites so that each one the more that goes out there the faster the internet becomes more encrypted too
That’s satellite system right there. And the satellite, this is very unique. Most of your mesh networks will share resources, but they don’t share data. Internet, right? Uh, we don’t share anyone’s data. We share the resource of the internet. And, and because, that, that, that is a unique thing to keep people from having to access satellites, because satellites are expensive.
Have you ever tried to download a gigabyte over satellite? It’s, it’s, it’s expensive. That’s it. Uh, so in areas where there’s absolutely no coverage, we’ve made it to where, okay, you connect to satellite. That’s that fall back. That’s that first fall back described. The second one is the 4g network. That’s global.
That’s first net. And that’s the last internet to go down. Every military equipment to whatever tribe reservation, any, any emergency signal that sent throughout the world. That’s it. You know, that goes down, you got problems. So that’s the next network and those are the two networks we rely on until we’ve grown more in our network terrestrially like, um, like, um, like a whole terrestrial network like just one pod at a time means We’re getting ready to have our own internet faster and faster
Yep, there’s two separate blockchains going on. One controls the artificial intelligence and network operating system. Uh, it’s a software network operating system, an AI. Uh that connects all of those devices together like they’re little mini satellites like as if you were chunking up it up into the sky Now you have them in your backpack, but they work just like a satellite Uh, so that’s run off of its own blockchain And then inside of it when you go browse anything or anything dealing with data That’s when it gets big blockchain one or two four custom, uh fisheye style But it’s just our own and And it’s private internet completely when you go out that way.
And together as one, it’s called cube chain, which is a unique custom blockchain cube chain is what it’s called as two blockchains in one pancake.
That’s a loaded one. Okay. So some of the features of the device, uh, it’s only on 4G. This initial launch love network is done through emergency bands. Uh, so it’s a device that gives you internet, but it’s going to be 4G speed. So that’s something I’m, I make clear to everyone. It’ll get faster when more out there, but what does the device have?
Um, the encryptions inside of this one device makes it to where you can browse the internet. And. There’s just no real record of it how we’re how we’re doing it. Uh, it encrypts every single Person that would ever connect to it at a hardware level using a unique blockchain. It’s a custom 1024 blockchain And another blockchain for connecting all the devices to encrypt that and all the data that goes in and out from there Is it is a custom res regendal encryption 256.
It’s customized And so when you’re inside of that experience, there’s no record of you. It’s a server going to one place and then there’s no internet after that. There’s no one storing that data.
Is it possible to get into a little more how, how the mesh network works that, that makes this so different? Cause that’s the feedback I get from people is like, what are you talking about? Yeah. So anyhow, um, so the uniqueness of how these mesh together is using one satellite and then a unique satellite that’s in the sky.
And that satellite connects all of those pods together, all of the, uh, distribute distributed pods and makes them all little mini cell phone towers. They’re meshed together and they’re using their resources to speed up performance. Uh, when Janet doesn’t have good internet, but Brian’s not using it and he’s got better signal, it shares it.
It’s unlike any type of meshing I’ve seen. Um, it’s a custom meshing.
So every electronic device has a radiating footprint of some sort, right? Um, these devices have general feedback, but they’re triple shielded. Uh, and they’re Uh feedback is really low even though it has a battery in it. It’s I would you would want to compare this type of device to Let me think
give me just a moment because as far as 5g that’s a different concern But i’m trying to give you a general heat stamp that’s similar to the device We’re going to be distributing for the you know, love pod the baby ones um A general heat stamp would be like an lcd screen an o m an oled screen Something with extremely low energetic stamp In comparison to the other tvs like a plasma that just will fry you if you sit there at it too much um, it’s it’s the same kind of comparison most mi fi routers don’t have triple shielding don’t have A minimum need to connect and convert and do all these things to heat up inside most of them just are are completely Uh energetically just going to fry you like some i’ve heard recently like certain apple phones have been banned over this But ours is a low heat stamp.
It’s not really dissipating a whole lot of energy, and it’s, it’s very similar to a small, uh, OLED screen. It’s not, it’s not radiating your body. It’s not ionizing your skin, uh, in your cells and things like that. It’s, uh, it’s safer. Uh, number two, going on to the 5G thing, we’ve blocked 5G. We’re on emergency and satellite and our own radio network.
We’re not doing 5G with these particular devices. We might have 5G devices for love it for converting 5G. But these ones here are specifically 4G emergency only. So these are for everyone in the world. And it does not have that scary radiating poison going to individual devices. No connect to this little pod and now you’re getting sounds into your device.
It’s. Lowers your radiation to, I mean, that’s really where a lot of people are complaining about radiation is, is 5g and it beaming directly to a device. Exactly. Uh, so it’s not there, it’s just removed. Plus the device itself has a low heat stamp. It’s just not like a big ionizing phone for, for getting banned for sure.
It’s real light and it just doesn’t do a lot.
That’s what that means. It’s its own intranet and it’s, it’s weird because it’s called love. People are breaking down. What does love mean? Um, it’s an alphanumeric internet. It’s its own intranet. The first nations has created its own global wifi. It’s called love, right? And we connected that with the Métis and other tribes throughout the alliance and other nations like Hakka and more to build this network.
Now we’re going to distribute these little satellites. And the more satellites that goes out, like the more five G or four G towers that goes out, the faster the internet, more coverage. It was the same thing, except it’s a handheld device. So it’s an alphanumeric internet, not a regular internet. It lets you go onto Google, do normal things, but it’s a completely, it’s, it’s, it’s not using one nine two dot one six eight dot zero dot one.
It’s using our own stack.
So, so with radionics, , let’s go into that topic real quick. , we have a unique device that connects our pods together and unique chips in each pod that helps us take sound and use it kind of like you would send out wifi signal. So, so it makes these, , you know, like you would have white light sound and a full spectr of that white light.
And we can connect individually. In every little pixel, individually, every single device is exactly down to the pixel of pixel of the exact precise location when we send or receive a signal from our device. It’s, it’s, it’s exact cube coordinates. It’s using sound to have exact precision. Using sound to have internet speeds.
Using sound to mesh the network qualities. Components such as mesh networking in itself and also running the encryption so that it becomes bigger and bigger the AI is Bigger and bigger and it’s not selling anything. It’s our tribes now. They want AI. We’ve got it. This radio on it Technology is the most confusing thing ever to describe to people So to really just say it like I I’ve had to recently is just imagine your headphones Making internet like the sound coming out of it.
It’s a new type of internet It’s a new type of intranet, excuse me, , using sound to connect the devices and also using a radio signal frequency type of device, right? It’s a, it’s a frequency style. It’s there’s SS , EQ there’s technology all over the place that does this kind of thing. You have to Google it because it’s so technical, but it’s using sound to send and receive a signal.
It’s not using 5g. You know, bands, a frequency that’s beaming at you. It’s using, , , It has no radiation footprint. There is no, other than the end source where it touches and either removes the pixel or adds the pixel, right? , it’s, it has no real footprint at all of radio, , active anything. It’s, there is no Hawking radiation, no Prana, no blue electr radiation going on.
It’s complete sound being sent out. So it’s clean, clean, clean white noise internet. It’s unique, and that’s the best as I can do to describe it, but I mean, we could sit down in conferences and get nerdy with it, you know? It’s just, every time this comes up, it’s so hard to describe. So we’re just saying it’s just clean sound being sent out.
Unlike their way of sending out internet, we send out our intranet with clean sound. And we connect our devices that way. I always just look at it like it’s, it’s just a more subtle frequency, right? Everything is 5G is waves. Your 4G is waves. You don’t see your G coming. You don’t see it floating around.
Sound is wave. Light is wave. They’re just either more dense and the denser they are, the more ionizing they are because they’re denser, right? They’re having more of an impact in what we consider to be the physical World, which is the most dense, but you’ve got sound and you’ve got light. And these, , types of frequencies are very subtle.
And now as technology does what it does, it always advances and advances. That’s why it’s called technology, right? So that’s, what’s happening here. You, it’s kind of funny because from three G to four G to five G, they kind of went backwards, but they said, yeah, okay, it’s a little, it’s thicker. Right. It’s not as subtle, but now it can carry more.
So it’s a little bit faster. But yes, you get this ionization, right, which creates the radiation and impact the cells in your body and the atoms and the ion, etc, etc, etc. Versus it being clean and healthy. , different people think about radionics different ways from it’s some kind of weird, whatever, to you can look up radionics and, , agriculture and find all these studies on how they utilize it actually to increase the yields or get rid of the bugs.
So I think calling it sound. Is actually the the most efficacious way right if you there’s certain sounds that the bugs don’t like so they’ll leave There’s certain sounds that our bodies don’t like so we feel it and there’s certain sounds, you know 930 whatever hurts the love just look up 731 216 to make you calm, you know, 111 to make you meditate, you know 110 precisely This is just another sound frequency, but with sound you can modulate it to be Either productive or unproductive.
And it is information, right? I mean, Errol, you’re a musician. It’s information is what sound is. What are we doing? The internet we’re sending and receiving information. It’s really not rocket science, even though. It sounds like it is it kind of is the elders , the elders, you know, they kept all these secrets and now we made tolls out of them But now it’s technology era and who cares so everything’s cutting edge.
Everything’s breakthrough So let’s get there kind of before the bad guys do in a way, right? You know
The love project. Oh boy. Now that’s life passion right there. Um, chin family dynasty, uh, shout outs for this one. Um, love, uh, is a, a, um, it’s a concept. It was a project originally put together, uh, to put everyone in a loving environment. Um, there’s some significance to the alphanumeric part. It’s to be able to speak your true self in a loving environment.
That’s why we didn’t like numbers. It’s too confusing. Um, The Love Project itself started, uh, initially with the Chin family where we created lands with different tribes and stored technologies and tested and labbed it up over years to bring together a few concepts. The lands, they’re called Light. The network and community, it’s called Love.
It’s a loving environment that everyone in the community can jump into, right? The system, it’s called Harmony. Right. This is a set of trust all over the world set up with different tribes and accounts and more and, and conversion of that. It’s a, it’s a system. It’s a whole system. It’s called harmony. Uh, peace.
Uh, the first people we wanted to connect to like on this phone and others was. Was peace channels and every single treaty we sign is a treaty for the completion of peace It says it verbatim the treaties themselves are called treaty of light So really all we wanted to do was just go rip off all the old bibles and all of the old things that worked back In the day light love peace harmony, you know joy and Get people to look at it differently Like when you think of love our project was to get people to think of love differently Globally in our reservations instead of looking up love on the internet and you see what you see, which is scary Sometimes now you think of love as an environment you can be yourself in and no one’s selling your data No one’s telling you’re telling you what to say about your spiritual history in your tribe or something, right?
It’s it’s all just it’s just an inclusive thing. So love is like a project to put together multiple uh, uh long time long time running Uh Let’s say projects into one loving environment. So that was really the the scene It was to bring together everyone into a loving environment itself as a project But also create a way to connect to everyone to do so
Yeah, uh, if you put your device in China, for example, China has their own rules. You put it in USA, USA has their rules. Like you have to store your data for seven years in the USA. Uh, we have our own rules. We’re seen like that, uh, via treaties at the First Nations, uh, including the 1786 Royal Proclamation, the, uh, 1837 Victorian seal that mom, uh, holds, which this right here comes from her.
But, Basically, we’re seen as kind of like a country, we’re treated, it’s unique because we’re unseated inside of a reservation. That means we have never given our lands up for even recognition. So there’s no real jurisdiction. We’re a donut hole inside of a First Nations reservation called Penticton Indian Band.
That’s First Nations. So, we’re not even, we don’t have our titles even submitted to a queen. So it’s like its own world. It’s like a China, a Mexico and America. They have their own rules. We do too. And that’s what makes it unique. It’s that we store stuff on our mom’s territories, which is smaller reservations, you know, has Mustangs on it.
It’s not like a high tech zone. She doesn’t even use internet much. But with that said, we have rat, you know, just server stuff set up there, you know, and it’s stored there and no one can mess with it. Like you can’t just go send a cop over there. You have to go through tribunals. You have to go through, it’s a whole thing to get to our lands.
And then you have to go through the First Nations, uh, uh, Six Nations bans with the CELICs to even consider that. So it’s, there’s people that will want to come hang out with us eventually, but our lands and our, our territory is considered in, in a way, I’m not saying it’s specifically like this, but it’s considered like its own, uh, nation, uh, as far as rules are concerned.
Thank you, by the way, for bringing this to so many nations out there with the Alliance of Indigenous Nations. Good shout out, Steven, on that too. Um, yeah, they’ve made this, this organization from just a bunch of, not many people to, it’s going to go to communities. It’s, it’s, it’s going. Same with Steven, with the peace folks.
Um, yeah. The internet, when it goes out, the last one to go out, it’s probably going to be your emergency networks, like first net. And that’s why we have chosen as our second redundancy, not satellite, but second redundancy. And the main component of our speeds initially 4g first net, because it’s just the last one, like tanks won’t work, you know, like they’re going to figure out how to make that work.
Right. So we decided that that was the last of the Mohicans in a way. If you know that colloquial and, uh, from 1909 and all, um, and, and 1911. But anyway, um, but with that said, um, no, I mean, the internet, when it goes out, then it goes and hops onto our satellite. Um, it goes to our satellite. So, so there’s a redundancy even to theirs.
This is our own terrestrial network. Wow.
That’s really important. You know, I come from the peace activism environment, and we have a ton of peace organizations that are now involved in love project as well. And they all like that. You know, they, they’re not trying to turn this into the peace pod. Everybody agrees that the basis for peace is the individual and they need to be able to love.
If you can’t love, then you cannot be at peace. Peace, that’s right. Part of part of being at peace, even if you love is, is being able to maintain your basic privacy. It is being able to not have your data, which is an extension of you, since we live in an information universe and information field. So that’s what really attracted me and brought me to work with this project in the first place is that.
I think it provides the best example of a harmonious information age socioeconomic model. Because there’s a lot of pieces to this love project that Chief didn’t even get into. You know, there’s a network that’s like Facebook, but it’s totally private. There’s no ad. No one’s data is sold. There are applications, many which are just even given away.
Um, no ads. There’s a, yeah, there’s a love VPN for people who, uh, don’t necessarily have the pod, which automatically connects them into the VPN, but on the other end, um, you know, you can download to your phone right now, a Love VPN, you can download a love browser. Right. Um, which is a more secure private browser, um, you know, allowing the individual to have their sovereignty, as it were, to at least to this certain extent of I should own my data, I should be the one not, not everything I do is now a commodity to be sold.
That turns us into animals and cows that are being milked. Yeah.
I think that whether we’re aware of it or not on some level of reality, that impacts our capacity to be at peace, to evolve our consciousness. So, at any rate, um, other than that, um, things are going quite well. We’re very, very excited about, uh, the, uh, The manufacturing that the pods are coming in. We’ve got a fulfillment center set up so that everything will move very quickly.
And we do have capacity to even ship internationally. It’s just, uh, expensive, you know, if someone in Australia really, really wants 1 of these in the next few months, we’ll make the decision when then we’ll be able to start releasing. But as Chief indicated, what we’d like to do is first focus in a particular area, Canada and the United States, um, so that the devices could mesh and really create a great signal.
And then let the satellite be the mechanism that allows these to start meshing with devices in places elsewhere in the world where they do work. Yeah, even with the prototype, our friend Carolina Allen, who runs the Children of the Rainforest, she was, they go down and help the, the tribal communities that are left in the Amazonian rainforest, and so she brought some pods down there, and, um, she was able to connect with us at 16, 000 feet in Bolivia, on, she had to go over the mountain to get to the, to the Amazon.
Chief Pierre, I even have a video of it, uh, that, where he’s, um, In Hanover, Germany at the station showing me look here. I just connected to the love network Not the 4g network the love network the satellite network the amazon one got me that one. That’s just That’s exactly what this is for. Yeah, go ahead, please and master chen, you know He was traveling in the philippines and china and those places and he was so excited that he’s actually now Joined the project as well to help to help grow it.
So there is Activity frankly taking place. It’s not going to work everywhere Initially, but for those who will help us get it out there, the more that you get out there, the greater the network and I, for one thing, it’s time for a private network like this. We’ll be vigilant in, in understanding that, that a network like this, it’s going to benefit millions, millions, millions of people.
And some people are gonna try to use it in, in a way that, that may not be, um, what we had in mind, but we’ll be on the lookout and there are, um, answers to that. Mm-Hmm. , because we are part of a global community, so anyone who’s bad. We just, uh, send that information to the proper, uh, agency or jurisdiction, wherever that bad actor might be, and let them take care of it, because we’re not sending out the tribal police to, uh, Azerbaijan.
Poconogon Indian Confederacy is CILIC’s First Nations Aboriginal tribe near Penticton, Canada. It’s actually inside of a reservation. It’s got no easement, so we have a right for virtual, uh, citizens represented in other areas too, but it’s over in Penticton and it’s just, uh, it’s, it’s the oldest and largest tribe delineation in Canada as far as, like, the overall group, which is First Nations.
It’s one of those. Okay, so you, you’ve really created this to connect tribes locally, globally. To
be frank with you, you know, I can elaborate that part. I wasn’t looking to go global. Mom wasn’t looking to go global when I told her about this stuff because she doesn’t even do internet. Matriarch Q, the aboriginal, uh, den mother. Uh, that I’m right hand with. And so she doesn’t, she didn’t know what we were doing here.
Hardly other than, wow, this is going to be private internet for everyone. Let’s do it. Um, not many people really know what this is. And, and I wanted to describe that when we started and I talked to matriarch Q about it, she just, she didn’t even have the internet. So to have the internet out there now is a thing.
You know and to get to see that but it was her and then It was steven that’s on this call that that and som chin of the chin family dynasties that that that brought up Why are you just doing this for reservations? Like this is You know, the black, it’s like the end of the internet. Why are you just doing it for reservations?
And I was, I didn’t have an answer to that. And a lot of people pointed out the possibilities of us connecting a global tribal family, including yourself, chief star turtle, uh, when we went down the road of the benefits to doing that.
I can elaborate that part. I wasn’t looking to go global. Mom wasn’t looking to go global when I told her about this stuff because she doesn’t even do internet. Matriarch Q, the aboriginal, uh, den mother. That I’m right hand with. And so she doesn’t, she didn’t know what we were doing here. Hardly other than, wow, this is going to be private internet for everyone.
Let’s do it. Um, not many people really know what this is. And, and I wanted to describe that when we started and I talked to matriarch Q about it, she just, she didn’t even have internet. So to have internet out there now is a thing, you know, and to get to see that. But it was her and then it was stephen that’s on this call that that and som chin Of of the chin family dynasties that that that brought up.
Why are you? Just doing this for reservations like this is You know the black it’s like the end of the internet Why are you just doing it for reservations? and I was I didn’t have an answer to that and a lot of people pointed out the Possibilities of us connecting a global tribal family, including yourself, Chief Star Turtle, uh, when we went down the road of the benefits to doing that.
Okay, so every electronic device has a radiating footprint of some sort, right? Um, these devices have general feedback, but they’re triple shielded, uh, and their, uh, feedback is really low, even though it has a battery in it. It’s, I would, you would want to compare this type of device to, Let me think
give me just a moment because as far as 5g that’s a different concern But i’m trying to give you a general heat stamp that’s similar to the device We’re going to be distributing for the you know, love pod the baby ones Um a general heat stamp would be like an lcd screen an o m an oled screen something with extremely low energetic stamp In comparison to the other tvs like a plasma that just will fry you if you sit there and add it too much Um It’s it’s the same kind of comparison most mi fi routers don’t have triple shielding don’t have A minimum need to connect and convert and do all these things to heat up inside Most of them just are are completely, uh, energetically just going to fry you like some i’ve heard recently like certain apple phones Have been banned over this.
Um But ours is a low heat stamp. It’s not really Dissipating a whole lot of energy and it’s it’s very similar to a small Uh oled screen it’s not It’s not radiating your body. It’s not ionizing your skin, uh, in your cells and things like that. It’s a, it’s safer. Uh, number two, going on to the 5g thing, we’ve blocked 5g.
We’re on emergency and satellite and our own radio network. We’re not doing 5g with these particular devices. We might have 5g devices for love it for converting 5g. But these ones here are specifically 4G emergency only, so these are for everyone in the world, and it does not have that scary radiating poison going to individual devices.
No, connect to this little pod, and now you’re getting sound sent to your device. Lowers your radiation to I mean that’s really where a lot of people are complaining about radiation is is 5g and it beaming Directly to a device exactly. Uh, so it’s not there. It’s just removed plus the device itself has a low heat stamp It’s just not like a big ionizing phone for for getting banned for sure It’s real light and it just doesn’t do a lot when you say it
We are only on the frequency bands for 4G. Um, that means like, uh, B one, B 20 B whatever in the states. These frequency bands. Um, we, we only connect to the ones that has to do with 4G. We have programmed all of the others not to connect, and if you don’t have it programmed at all, it can’t connect, you know?
Okay. So it’s just 4G first net. Okay, I was just thinking that it blocks the 5G radiation coming at you. Yeah, it’s, no, those are for the other, there’s some devices coming for that. This doesn’t even send it, it won’t even accept 5G. Got it. So it’s not broadcasting 5G at us while we’re using it, is that what you’re saying?
Negative, no 5G is being broadcasted. It’s a little bit slower, like I said, but the more pods we get out there, the stronger it becomes. But I’d prefer doing it this way and others like you and everyone we’ve spoken with this I know that we have 5g devices for that and and we’ll get there But for all of our communities, we all wanted to stick to something 4g.
It was just a thing universally. Everybody’s afraid of 5g absolutely